And it is as sexist as it is racist.
but feminists are constantly being accused of wanting men's balls as we see in this image although i found the image was used in reference to men who sexually assault children. But that is not what the image says, it implies we women enjoy taking men's balls.
But the reality seems to be otherwise. Men want to rid themselves of their balls because they are tired of being men. There was a period in Chinese history where the govt had to ban self castration because men where convinced that removing their balls would mean life would be better for them. I hate using wikipedia as a source because it's likely to change because some man may feel feminized by it.
The same idea is in Christianity as well - that to enter the kingdom of heaven, it's important to make yourself a eunuch. Now I know christians have tried to make this mean something else - IE they've tried to make this about marriage instead or something, but Jesus seems quite adamant about chopping things off that make you sin, and I think Jesus is trying to make this very clear here especially to men. Because men do use their gender as a weapon against women and children.
Indeed many civilizations have a long history of castrating men especially when it comes to guarding harems. And apparently making yourself a eunuch comes with all kinds of health benefits, such as preventing certain kinds of cancers, but what surprised me is that there are so many men who either fantasize about it or have actually harmed themselves giving themselves orchiectomies.
What also astonished me is that there is even literary porn written by men about the joys of having their balls removed. Amazon will even supply you with reading material on 'How and why i got castrated'.
While some may put this down to wanting wanting to transgender, clearly some men identify as female and want to transition their gender, but it doesn't account for the men just want to be free of their balls because "they showed a greater desire to reduce libido, change their genital appearance, transition out of male, and prevent sexually offensive behavior."
So next time you think a feminist is after a male's balls, we aren't. Perhaps it's you projecting your fantasy upon us.