Anyway I had no idea the jurors received death threats, what is that? The protesters outside the trial were so certain that she'd 'done it'. And when the verdict came out, even Mitch McConnell of the GOP weighed in saying "there is no way we should use a trial to convict terrorists because they couldn't be trusted to convict Anthony". How was everyone so convinced she was guilty? I don't need to quip about 'guilty until proven innocent' do I?
The sensationalism surrounding the trial was all out of proportion to the crime she allegedly committed. I'm not saying the death of the little girl wasn't tragic, but in comparison to the things we see elected officials and corporate CEOs get away with, what Casey Anthony allegedly did was nothing even when you consider all the other murder trials for men who murdered. When you consider the war W and Cheney got us into, the torture at Abu Graib, police shootings, or even Gary Southern (who?) who poisoned the West Virginia drinking water (so he could make money).
Why this hysterical out pouring over a woman?
But this is nothing in comparison to the policing of women for what they are wearing, how much they were drinking and flirting before they 'asked' to be raped. Or why she is staying with an abusive spouse? Or if she is a good mother or not. Or if we don't like their body shape, clothes, appearance or their plastic surgery or how privileged we think she is or whatever... Even among feminists there is an increasing narrow band of acceptable 'feminism' for women, to the point where they are excluding feminists for not being feminist enough, as Hillary Clinton is not supposed to be feminist enough for millennial feminists because she's not Bernie Sanders (old white rich males are better at being feminists? http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/10/05/why-millennial-feminists-don-t-like-hillary.html)
To me this is all misogyny. We bully women when we give men a pass for much much worse crimes.
Why don't we ask why there is rape, why domestic violence, why we ignore men and focus all our attention on punishing women constantly. Our society constantly gives men a pass when it comes to public shaming.