Apparently women blame the victim of the crime, especially rape, and in this case murder, on the victim thinking that they would never let themselves get into the situation in the first place.
This makes women highly desirable jurors for rape cases and no doubt was a factor in the jury selected for Zimmerman's stand your ground defence.
This opinion is echoed by women in Britain, that if a girl is drunk or acting provocatively she deserves to be raped. In court the woman's sexual history is also put on trial if she is raped. Presumably if a woman has had sex in her life she is constantly lusting afterwards - which to me sounds like projection, and makes me wonder about all those men who complain about lack of sex after they get married.
This article suggests that women don't want to know that men they know might have a dark side, after two girls threaten the victim of the Steubenville rape. And perhaps the reason for that is there is a desire to please those we trust with authority as the Milgram experiment demonstrates. We want to believe men, and perhaps government, are benign as this article suggests and perhaps that is why there are so many *house Negro* women as Malcolm X would call them, or perhaps they are women with Stockholm Syndrome.
Perhaps we women are to blame because we do NOT blame men for many of the problems they cause us. It is our job to keep men in check but we are abdicating this responsibility and instead trying to simulate men, as is the case of Nancy Pelosi and her servile attitude to corporatism, W and NSA funding.
Women are not to blame for being raped, men are fully responsible. Until we force men to take responsibility for their behaviour and actions they will continue to run around doing stupid things, like shooting people like Martin and raping women. No she didn't ask for it, and nor did Trayvon.