And how things are done depends on your social context. It's mostly the story of you. It fills your head with stuff like this is my home and these are the people I belong with. It is also why any kind of memory loss is so daunting for you and those close to you. I digress.
Anyway, the Anarchists don't see how they were cocooned by the influence of their US$$ and their government and how they had no way of protecting themselves from themselves or from others who may have problems with sharing reality. You don't have to be a veteran to have problems with reality, as the guy in 'the anarchists' did, which no doubt the 'anarchists' would blame government for veterans and the wars republicans inflict on us. Curiously once the US military destroyed the Iraqi government, spontaneous stability didn't develop instantaneously. I have asked 'anarchists' why this didn't happen but there was never an answer.
The cause that unites them is taxes. They are greedy and don't want to pay taxes. In my opinion I get way more from government than I get from corporations. For example, a stable economy, even corporations like a stable economy. Keeping a stable economy is difficult because republicans keep trashing the economy whenever they hold the presidency. Lowering taxation for those who can afford it does nothing for the economy but hurt the economy for everyone including the rich. And W trashed the economy hard. Needless to say Trump only wanted the presidency to help himself, whether it was to our money or keeping himself out of prison.
The government also stimulates the economy by offering incentives for various projects. Like the fixes to the road along the Big Sur, streamlining healthcare, paying for research like helping with the cost of developing technology...
The government also keep diplomatic relationships open with other countries to promote trade and for the benefit of the individuals whether it is tourism, business travel or other...
I loved how the anarchists were all congratulating themselves on how intelligent they all are.