Last night I sat here staring at this blank screen and wondered what to write so my husband today suggested something positive because things are bleak now for many of us. And I imagine for some very much more than others.
However as I cast about for inspiration last night I found this article about the real life case of Golding's 'Lord of the Flies'. A group of boys were marooned on an island in the Pacific for over a year and none of them died or killed each other, instead they cooperated, worked hard to survive and when one of them broke a leg, the group rescued and cared for him until he was better.
And while times were tough for these castaways when they argued they enforced strict time outs. But in all their story is about cooperation and friendship which allowed them to and gave them reason to survive.
There are many remarkable people on this planet doing extraordinarily courageous things for others, including mothers going through agony to give birth, who sacrifice their time, constantly put themselves last for the sake of their family... Somehow this is expected and seldom acknowledged - perhaps one day a year - perhaps.
Then there are the doctors and nurses working to save people's lives during this COVID-19 crisis, more than 200 dying in the world as a result to close contact with people sick with the virus.
It's too easy to focus on our differences and to hate those who we think don't belong in our camp. We see this so commonly with politics, when politics, imo, is meant to be nothing more than a public service, where politicians should only be motivated by the common good - not so, especially among republicans. But I have been unfriended, shouted at and blocked by Bernie Sanders supporters. The more vicious the attack I just assume they are Russian hackers trying to split the left so as a lefty I wouldn't be tempted to support Sander's if he won the nomination. And since this is how some Sander's supporters behave those who aren't Russian hackers want to belong to this group so they also engage in this behavior also; when in fact we all want the same thing, to end citizens united, single-payer quality healthcare for all, equal rights for everyone in this country and the world; and good quality free education at all levels for everyone. I also want quality services for all people regardless of where they live. I want to end debt slavery and a clean rich healthy environment that wildlife and humans need. We can do much better than we are.
And this is probably where our environment plays it's winning hand, it knows exactly how to shut us down. We humans think we are so clever, we don't think we need a clean healthy environment - this is rich old male hubris - and then we get COVID-19 and we all shut down. Well played mother nature, well played.
It is us that save the orphaned elephants and ostriches and allow them to be able to survive - together. It is us we need, we humans are pretty wonderful, full of kindness, courage and intelligence - and while mother nature may be winning this current round with COVID-19, we have evolved huge brains to figure out solutions and we will solve this. But mother nature only means to teach us a lesson. If she was done with us a nearby star would supernova and destroy us completely, something our big brains will never be able to save us from unless we have already left this solar system far behind.
But before I scuttle off, I would like to remind everyone of a quote from the guy who rescued those boys castaway on that Pacific island: “Life has taught me a great deal, ... including the lesson that you should always look for what is good and positive in people.”
We all need and depend on each other.