Corporations and government organize but while we remain divided and separate we are easily pitted against each other and out-maneuvered. It seems to me we need to organize. The 1% govt corporations all organize. While we are all disorganized and at each other's throat about nonsense, we are screwed, totally and basically at their mercy. As a result we have little say in what happens to us.
A number of groups are trying to organize into broader groups, Love-in-action network, March Against Monsanto, which I hope if they are successful will morph into March Against Koch Bros and Wal-mart, occupy, uniteblue and there are many others. There is no point in reinventing the wheel, but it is useful to build alliances between the various groups.
Sometimes these groups are often plagued by internal politics, often hair-line fractures magnified to obscure the continents of common-ground we share. We all want approximately the same thing, to wrest back control of our country from the corporations. While some of us are trying to protect the environment, defend animals, help the homeless, get better pay, we are generally on the same side.
I think we need to set up a kind of alliance of groups and an ambassador who is gregarious and smart and who is wired normally, with the same objectives as the group. Someone who is prepared to work on this in his/her time and not expect to be paid, at least not initially.
Initially if we have a problem, as Will Potter did, or Aaron Swartz, Glenn Greenwald etc etc then we need to band together. Surely they can't arrest us all?
But it has broader applications as well, like I am thinking we need to incorporate the people of America, so we can negotiate better health care services directly, instead of via insurance corporations, and an alternative news service that is verified news and perhaps host debates with non-major candidates for presidential elections. We can lobby back the government... But that's kinda the grander vision of how it could evolve.
People could participate only to use some of these benefits, like healthcare for example, but not participate as much in the political aspects, although the implication would imply their support for the politics.
Its a big job and a job that would probably require many people working on together.