What a bunch of pals or cronies, I guess is what you'd call them, Barry, W, Bill, Jimmy and George senior? because there are no other living presidents that I know of.
But here I get the full meaning of what the libertarians say when they say we are being gamed. These guys belong to an elite club that you and I do not belong too.
We know, we were kinda expecting that, they are after all presidents of the US. But there I get a sense that their first loyalty is to each other and not us. And despite all that the Right say about Obama, he's a muslim, a communist, a fascist, a socialist, a whatever... he's actually one of them, just not quite as white as the others.
When the 2008 primaries were happening, Obama ran a campaign with "Change" as a motto. My husband said, we only want a 'little bit' of change, not the change that may have come with Hillary Clinton. These days I am even less certain there would be any change if Hillary Clinton had won the primaries.
In the end, little has changed. These guys belong to the same team, these guys have other peoples interests at heart, and those people belong to the 1%, not the 99%.