In our ecosystem many creatures have evolved in all kinds of ways to allow them to survive on our planet within our current ecosystem.
But it is very evident that we, the principle inhabitants of this planet, have very utilitarian hands, and mobility.
Many inhabitants on our planet have very specialized appendages, snakes, have no appendages, birds 'arms' have specialized into wings, and while it gives them much mobility, it makes the use of tools difficult. And while many birds use their beaks to hold and use thing, it is not a convenient way to carry heavy objects.
We sometimes might use our mouths to hold things, it is not ideal, because it is dangerous (germs or the items themselves might be dangerous, needles etc...) birds using their beaks, the bird equivalent of a human mouth, has only one option, to drop the object the beak was holding. and while some birds have dexterous feet, eagles and other raptors, fashioning tools is not easy when your only options of securing tools is with feet and a beak.
Our hands allow us to use tools to create tools and then those tools can create other tools.
But it is very evident that we, the principle inhabitants of this planet, have very utilitarian hands, and mobility.
Many inhabitants on our planet have very specialized appendages, snakes, have no appendages, birds 'arms' have specialized into wings, and while it gives them much mobility, it makes the use of tools difficult. And while many birds use their beaks to hold and use thing, it is not a convenient way to carry heavy objects.
We sometimes might use our mouths to hold things, it is not ideal, because it is dangerous (germs or the items themselves might be dangerous, needles etc...) birds using their beaks, the bird equivalent of a human mouth, has only one option, to drop the object the beak was holding. and while some birds have dexterous feet, eagles and other raptors, fashioning tools is not easy when your only options of securing tools is with feet and a beak.
Our hands allow us to use tools to create tools and then those tools can create other tools.