One such headline, hidden behind as paywall: suddenly there aren’t enough babies. The whole world has declining birthrates.
And we may have already hit the point of population stability and in decline. I think this is probably a good thing. There are too many humans already and our biosphere just isn’t coping with all of us. But we all know economics far outweighs our environment and what is good for one is utterly dreadful for the other, oh the wisdom of idiots, if only our environment was an important resource we could turn into money... as opposed to just vital for sustaining us. But once again the conservative right can’t think much beyond what suits them and think women should just pop out babies for the sake of economic stability and hence they ban abortion. Similarly who cares about wetlands when they can be drained and turned into farmland, cha-ching.
I know you’ve heard it before but if they were genuinely serious about pro-life, they’d help these poor women who now must care for a baby they never wanted. I know these pro-life types like to think they are doing a good thing by giving all these fetuses a life but what kind of life will they be getting? The road to hell is always paved with good intentions.
But as I’ve said before abortion has always been about building armies. And a good soldier was born merely to die because putting him back together after war would cost the male taxpayer way too much of his hard earned money. Some of their reasoning is so naive they think that women will automatically love this nuisance just because they gave birth to it? Perhaps some women will fall in love with their babies but there are no guarantees.
I remember a discussion had with a woman about drinking alcohol while pregnant, many women won’t drink alcohol when pregnant for the sake of her fetus, but that is a choice many women voluntarily make, the woman I was talking to just assumed women must do this, and I said it was the woman’s choice. There are many pitfalls women chose not to engage in because she is pregnant but it is her body and her passenger is just an experiment in DNA.
How many baby boys will be hurt by women forced to give birth to them? We can still send them off to war... I am sure the urgency to ban abortion is because the US struggled with 2 wars under Bush.
We also know the conservatives say they value life but their actions never really seem to demonstrate what that means, especially since actions speak louder. I think conservatives want the right to kill at will including anyone they dislike for whatever reason. Why else would you want women to die, not pay women to have the children they so desperately want them to have. Or the healthcare needed, or for food, or even child care, education...
With men refusing to wear masks in the height of covid, stand your ground laws and abortion, I think they want to kill us. Killing people who drive into our drive-ways, shooting sprees of random strangers to people who may not be strangers. Whipping these people into a killing frenzy needs to stop.